#BLURB="Set a default browser link."
# Sorry, this is not a full menu, and may not ever be.
# It is trivial to find the htmllink symbolic link and
# point it at the browser that you like.  Besides,
# this is not a Linux standard that could be locating
# in any official document.  It seems to have been
# started without any consultation with other
# distributions by <take a wild guess>, and now things
# expect it to be there.
# Note 1.  Listing a browser doesn't mean we ship it.
# Note 2.  Complaints about our preferences or missing
#          browsers in the list will be considered.
#          Yell at Pat about it.  ;-)

# There must be no link, or we assume the admin set it and
# do nothing.  Can you tell this Q+D script was written for
# the initial installation?

for browser in firefox seamonkey konqueror galeon epiphany links lynx ; do
  if [ ! -e usr/bin/htmlview -a -x usr/bin/$browser ]; then
    cat << EOF > usr/bin/htmlview
exec $browser "\$@"
if [ -e usr/bin/htmlview ]; then
  chmod 755 usr/bin/htmlview